dimanche 8 avril 2007

C'est la fin

Tout bonne chose a une fin. Nous sommes de retour à Montréal. Un petit choc de température et je dois mettre de côté mes sandales :(

Voici l'ensemble de mes photos de voyage : http://www.flickr.com/photos/brunbirdy/sets/72157600001030110/detail/

mardi 3 avril 2007

BsAs 2

Tonight, we will meet up with Nate Williams (the american artist living in BA that I posted about a few weeks ago) and one of his friend, Facu. People in BA go out for dinner/drinks late so we will meet them around 10:30pm. I asked him to proposed us something the locals would do/go to and here is answer: we could go listen to argentine music .. and some dark bar .. or if you want a place that has a lot going on .. we could find something like .. or .. if you want to go to some artsy/musical thing we could do that ...

So I think tonight will be especially interresting! Thank you Nate, its very nice from you to take us out!

Photos legend:
(from the bottom up)

A view we had on the road to San Agustin de Valle Fertil...Breathtaking!
Valle de la luna...Surreal landscape.
A few houses/shops in Buenos Aires.
There are a lot of very old cars here. Heres an example...!
A shot from La Boca neighborhood and its colored houses.

lundi 2 avril 2007

The sun is shining in BA!

Since we arrived in Cordoba (last Tuesday), its been grey and raining...We are in BA since Friday and the rain followed us...But TODAY the sun is back and we are very happy!!! I dont have much time to write since we will start to explore a new area of the city soon.

Some facts from our first days in BA:
We live in a nice neighborhood called Parlemo. Its cool to have our apt and settle down for a couple of days!

On Friday, we visited a gallery from a local artist (Xul Sol) and the house of Carlos Gravel, an Argentine singer.

On Saturday, we shopped in Parlemo Viejo. Im AMAZED by how beautiful are the shops, bars, restaurants ´front spaces´ (devantures). Very creative and sleek most of the time.

On Sunday, we walked around San Telmo, an older area with full of antiques shops and kiosks. We wanted to visit the Modern Art Museum but unfortunately it was closed for renovation.

Today, we will visit La Boca with its colored houses. We should also pay a visit to an art gallery over there. We might also go on the riverside walk in La Boca/Recoletta. Its suny so we want to enjoy a day outside as much as possible!

I want to visit the Evita museum later this week since I dont know much about this important Argentine figure. It should be interesting!

Thats all for now since I have to run to La Boca with the girls.

A special thanks to Melanie, Ilkka and my mother for the nice emails received over the week end. I read it and they made me feel very happy....I will take the time to respond to each of you later on today or tomorrow. I miss you all very much...

dimanche 1 avril 2007

Buenos Aires

Nous sommes de retour a Buenos Aires. Enfin nous avons notre petit appart,un conge de resto et des bons petits dejeunes. C'est un changement de Tempo, Buenos Aires c'est une grande ville, c'est bruillant...tres different du silence du desert.

On a fait une petite session de shopping dans Parlermo. Les restos, les boutiques, les bars...il y a de quoi a devenir folle. C'est un peu irrealiste...c'est tres New Yorkais. Toutes les devantures de boutique sont soignees. A noter que nous avons eu un petit conge de pluie...nous sommes tannees!!! Nous sommes tombees sur une mauvaise passe cote meteo. Comme je dis souvent...il y a pire que ca dans la vie!

Il y a une chose qui m'a marque ici, les argentins sont tres amoureux. Les couples s'offrent de long baiser et s'entrelacent que se soit des jeunes ou des plus vieux, des beaux couples, des moins beaux. Ici, il y a un vent de passion...